Reflections on Brown-eyed Blue-eyed Clips: What can we learn about stereotyping, discrimination, racism, etc? In a well-written six to eleven sentence paragraph, answer the above question in word. Then post it under comments in the blog under 5/4 Eyes!
I think by this video we can all learn about racism, stereotyping, and discrimination. We can all see that everyone thinks differently when they are told that they are no good or that another group is smarter or better than them, but no matter what there will always be that one person that will judge a group for their beliefs, skin color, or where they come from. Yet there will be that one person who stand up for the other group, but generally most will not due to fear of getting discriminated themselves. The discrimination is enough to separate best friends and even family, and even cause violence to emerge from it all. Such as when one kid in the video who punched another kid in the gut because he was getting teased over his eye color. If we keep this hate going it will end up in entire ethnic groups, races, or religions being annihilated to our selfishness and hate.
ReplyDeleteI believe that discrimination and stereotyping will always be in the world. There is always going to be that one person who just can’t stand a religion or doesn’t like a person so attacks the people who have the same color as the person they hate. It would be completely amazing if the entire world could be this….Utopia, but unfortunately that’s not the case. The world is balanced between the good and the bad. If the evil tips that balance, then chaos may come to the world hard like a ton of bricks. All persons are different in their own ways and us, being human, are not able to understand fully. I believe that it’s okay not understanding and you don’t have to understand. All we need to do is accept and respect!
ReplyDeleteThis video can teach everyone about racism, stereotyping and discrimination. We can learn how people manipulate other people just because of their differences. People judge others because of the different religion or eye color or skin color. I think people should not do this. We need to teach others how wrong it is; they don’t see what they’re doing. If we keep this going, the world is just going to keep turning negative. Everyone should concentrate on being a better person, and then others will catch on. This world is never going to be perfect because there will always be some people you can’t change; but we can make it a better place.
ReplyDeleteI learned that people were hated or discriminated against because of eye color, skin color, gender, and religion belief. People were discriminated against because of eye color. They were treated as if they were completely different people. People were discriminated against also because of skin color. Everyone should be accepted into this world no matter what color eyes you have or what color your skin is. So what if they have different eye colors or different skin color, everyone is the same inside and out. Don’t judge! Just accept people the way they are! Today people are more accepting because they have realized that discriminating against people is wrong and we should be more accepting to people. Sure there are people that are hateful towards skin color but that has gotten better over the years. To this day, people are more understanding about everything. We cannot change who we are so accept us.
ReplyDeleteWe can learn that stereotyping, discrimination, racism is really unacceptable. If people were stereotyped, or discriminated then, they would be really sad and they wouldn’t want to do anything. I think that if I was discriminated or stereotyped I wouldn’t have the feeling to do anything. If people were discriminating, or stereotyping other people, then I think that they should know how the person who is being discriminated feel. We should all just be nice to each other and stop judging. Genocide is really sad. I think that we should all try to help by showing the world we have a big hearts.
ReplyDeletePeople stereotyping other people is someone judging someone else, by their skin color, language, how they dress, and silly things like eye color or something little like that. In the story, “Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes”, the teacher first tells that brown eyed children are better than children with blue eyes. The children with the brown eyes took that really out of control and was being mean to the children with the blue eyes. The blue eyed children felt uncomfortable and unimportant. After a few days, the teacher changed her mind in saying that brown eyes were better than blue eyes, and said that blue eyed children were better than brown eyed children. Just then, everything changed. The blue eyed children started treating the brown eyed children badly also. It is crazy how just from one person can change another person’s mind about one little thing. Today, many people are being judged by stereotyping. It is mostly by kids in high school, is when it gets really bad. Kids will just judge a person when all they do is walk by. People shouldn’t be judged that way. Therefore, stereotyping is a very bad thing, and children should not be manipulated like that.
ReplyDeleteThe” Brown Eyed Blue Eyed” video is about discrimination. This video was hard to understand at first, and then I realized that she was doing this as an experiment. My reaction to this video is that it was a great an experiment and taught a valuable lesson. No matter how you look or anything about you does not make you smarter or stupider, you are who you are. The kids in this video who were told they were better than the other took pride in that and made sure they were better. Then the kids finally realized that even though they look different they are all the same and does not make them any different. People now a day’s still discriminate, which needs to stop.
ReplyDeletePeople in the world always want to find the parts in other people and things that make them different make them unique. They will and have always used the most ridiculous reasoning’s for being rude, mean and hurtful. The world will always have reasons to not be able to come together as one. Sadly because of discrimination, stereotyping and racism, people cannot understand other people and their ways of living. Everywhere people always want to be similar, be alike, the minute that someone wants to be themselves they are imminently sunned by their family, friends, and the community. From the “Brown-eyed, Blue-eyed clip.” Even the littlest of children can undergo the harshness of not being able to be accepted.
ReplyDeleteWhat we learn about stereotyping, discrimination, and racism is that it is just hatred among other groups of different backgrounds, religious belief, or skin color. In the video “Brown-eyed Blue-eyed”, I learned how the racism and discrimination could take over the mind of even the youngest of children. Racism in my opinion comes from the parents mainly, and the children, not knowing any better will grow up to be racist because their parents were. Today racism, discrimination, and stereotyping has lessened since the earlier times but it is still out there everywhere we go.
ReplyDeleteI believe that this clip can show us how stereotyping, discrimination, racism, can hurt other people. Also, it shows how people can change when told they are better than others or not as good and they believe what they are told. Another thing is that it shows how we can make people feel less than over the smallest thing such as eye color or just the color of someone’s hair. What I learned from the “Brown-eye Blue- eye” video is to think how it would make me feel if someone did it to me. The “Brown-eye Blue-eye video” is over 40 years old and yet the same thing is still happening in the world. So it just goes to show that stereotyping, discrimination and racism are a plague on our society.
ReplyDelete“The brown eyed, blue eyed clips” make a very valid point. The way the blue eyed people treated the brown eyed people was the same way that whites treated blacks. The blue eyed people stereotyped the brown eyed people as less than they are. At first, I didn’t understand what they were doing, but later in the video, I understand the stereotyping that was taking place. The women making the speeches about the brown eyed people, saying that they are less than the blue eyed people, was actually brown eyed. The women was being racist against her ‘own kind’ just like Hitler was to the Jews. People today are still very racist against people with a different skin color or religion. For an example, some people that run with a certain ‘crowd’ could bully or target someone of their own race or religion just because they are hanging around others that do that. That is exactly what the women making the allegations did. Do not judge others for their differences, different people is what makes this world unique.
The way I reacted on the “Brown eyed Blue eyed” video clip was at first it was hard to understand the problems but then the second clip came on and you could see all the communication changing. The brown eyed children were really looking at the blue eyed children differently. The way they talked to each other and look at each other was really different. The way things are today are very similar, the way we talk to each and look at each other. Many people do not realize how they treat each other. I think we need to come together and treat people like they are family because; nobody wants to treat like crap. It does not matter what your skin color is or how you look we are all EQUAL!
ReplyDeleteThere are many things to learn about stereotyping, discrimination, and racism. One being that if you stereotype against a certain group and say they are dumb then they start to believe it too. Then it starts to effect way they act because they believe they are dumb. For example in the Brown-eyes and Blue-eyes clips, the brown-eyed people had a slower time in reading on the day they were being discriminated against. Then on the next day when they weren’t being discriminated against, they had a faster time because they felt they were the superior group. So what I have learned is that in today’s world stereotyping, discrimination, and racism really does affect people because they start to believe in the propaganda that isn’t true.